
Krepelinin päärakennus 1890

Krepelinin päärakennus 1890. Lähde: Kiinteistö Oy Krepelinin kuva-arkisto

The main building built in 1812. Home of the merchant family Krepelin 1849-1899. Today the yard and the buildings function as Hotel Krepelin.


Main building erected 1812. The original builder is unknown. The style is influenced by the european neo-gothic style. By 1841 the house was owned by the merchant Anders Z. Holmström.

Carl Wilhelm Kräpelin, in turn, was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1823 and arrived to Kristiinankaupunki through Kokkola in 1846. He started off as the accountant of Simon Anders Wendelin and after a while established his own merchant house in the Holmström mansion. After Holmström’s death in 1849 Kräpelin acquired the house. He married Maria Charlotta Estlander, born in Lapväärtti in 1828.

After the Krepelins the yard has had many owners, but since the 1990’s the yard has become known as the Krepelin Yard.

Kristinestad 1875. Krepelin stands between the Town House and the church.

Building history

The main building according to the fire insurance letter was built in 1812 and was originally painted red. It’s a two-story residential house with a log structure.

One of the original yard plans

To the right of the main building you can see the old bakery, built in 1815. On the opposite there are the two-story warehouses built in 1806 and 1816. The warehouses on the right were built in 1811 and 1870.

Building inventory 1967

  1. “Bostadshus med slätknutar från 1812, sekundär panel, i södra gaveln primär liggande panel, sadeltak, i gårdsfasaden 5-kantig farstukvist i nygotisk stil ca.1860. B, MB. Brandförsäkringsbrev 76, inventointikertomuksia KM38
  2. Batagarstuga med knutskallar, byggd 1814, lockläkt, sadeltak, svarta taktegel med svart glasyr. A
  3. Bod med knutskallar, byggd 1815, lockläktspanel, sadeltak, taktekel med svart glasyer. AI
  4. Uthuslänga 1806 och 1816, knutskallar, lockläktspanel, sadeltak. AI
  5. Uthus med knutskallar, lockläkt, sadeltak. B”

There’s a longer inventory description from the year 1977 (in Finnish) Inventointikertomuksia

Fire Insurance Letter

Fire Insurance Letter number 76 (1834 and 1846) in Tarmo’s archive.

The owners and residents

Merchant Anders Z. Holmström.

Merchant C.W. Kräpelin

Sailor Anders Lager

Brewery master S. K. Skade

Wholesale company Sampo had its Kristiinankaupunki office here.

Late 1960s
Kerttu Jylli (Lehtimäki) from Kurikka became the owner.


7.2.1996 Pasi and Raija Jylli established Kiinteistö Oy Krepelin (Ltd), which acquired the lot and the buildings.


More photosn on the Hotel Krepelin Instagram account.

Property num. 287-2-247-1144
House number in 1842 3 / 144
Anno 1812
Built by Holmström, Anders Z.
Protected SR,SR,SR,SR
Address Östra Långgatan 47
Address Västra Långgatan 8