Captain Sundqvist’s house

sunqvists gård

Captain Alexander Sundqvist and his wife Sofia bought the house in 1875. Both Alexander and Sofia had grown up in “Söderstan” the south part of Kristinestad. The profession of sea captain was often handed down, and so it was also in this case. Both of Alexander’s sons, Evert and Thure, became captains. Later, Evert and his wife Elsa took over the house. Evert and Elsa’s son Harald also followed in his father’s footsteps and also became a sea captain. Elsa, the sea captain’s wife, and her son Birger lived on the farm until the 1960s.

Property num. 287-1-122-1041
House number in 1842 1 /
Anno 1841
Built by
Protected SR
Address Östra Långgatan 67